
The easy method you can stop smoking without withdrawal symptoms.

I had been heavy smoker during 10 years over. I had stopped perfectly smoking 6 years ago. And smoking again a year before and now I am quitting smoking again. Then I have learned a lot of principles for smoking or stopping.

I hope that my analysis is useful for one to escape from the fell poison of cigarettes. Stop smoking without pains is Possible.
Why is it so difficult?

FACT 1. The illusion of addictive to nicotine or delude oneself into the pain of withdrawal symptoms.

Some people say that the withdrawal symptoms make you suffer because of stopping smoking. But it is not true.
The withdrawal symptoms is the only the phenomenon of conditioned reflex to escape from the special situation that you have hated something. I believe that there is nothing material to make the withdrawal symptoms in your body. In other words if you were angry you couldn’t have any tools to treat your problems then you will try to make a resolute and stupid decision to cure poison with toxic substances.

It’s like a vehicle crash. It is the most ultimately dangerous method to stop a high speed car. Stress hormone is very dangerous itself. When you are angry, It actually come out from your cells and damage to your body. Surely we want to avoid these toxic substances and crash onto the toxic hormone with another toxic material like a cigarette.

Then the smoker naturally thinks like the ‘Oh! What a wonderful cigarette!’ in unconsciousness. He easily accepts the toxic materials as friends. It is automatical system. As a year or two or ten it is stronger than before. Eventually that is a reality of the strong withdrawal symptom.

But it is not real. Smoking is just torturing oneself as if one’s head is crushing to the concrete wall pouring blood. It’s truly a sad phenomenon. Maybe human has prefers a physical pain to the mental pains. And human have wisely or stupidly chosen self-torturing. If you discover these mechanisms of withdrawal symptoms, which wouldn’t be no more object of fear.

But if it remains a little bit of thought like “It is a good thing”, that is as strong as lovesickness. But if you think it’s a bad thing, wastewater, excremental water and kill me with a toxic material like a blade, the withdrawal symptom isn’t come.

Smoking is an extremely savage treatment of angry or stress by eating poison to cure abnormal yours.

The best way to free from smoking is to terminate your stress from the beginning. But it’s very difficult. Your behavior as a saint has to measure up but we are not saints. We need to substitute for saint decency. It doesn’t matter that are types such as exercise, religions, games, etc.

In my case I had quitted smoking in 2008, I have often experienced angry state that was the first phase of side effect by no smoking. Within a few days after the phase I have heavy drunk in my memories of the time. That was second phase of No smoking. Sometimes I have rethought about No smoking but heavy drunk. Was the drinking better than smoking or less?
Eventually being angry or in stress in spite of invisible element it will be appeared like a real material in your body. The best way is not to appear abnormal mind. But if you are angry, sad, in stress, your first defense line was collapsed down. You must instantly find the substitute of toxic materials with your brilliant minds.

FACT 2. “Smoking is harmful to body only.” But it is never true.

Above I said, self-torturing that isn’t only limited to the physical body. I have recognized this truth during no smoking and resmoking with looking at myself.
I suppose this research will be worth. Smoking absolutely makes fatal depression and steals your happiness. It is the core of smoking problems.

In addition the cigarette is Restrainer so that it cannot fly human stress or angry like drinking. it is very difficult to find such alcohol that is quickly and instantly effective to the nerve cells-stopping parasympathetic nerve make you excited under indulgence of sympathetic nerve. Therefore no smoking is so far easy to no drinking.

The restrain of angry gradually destroys the freedom of you who will slowly have a feeling like a jail in the prison.

That’s right. Depression is caused by it. The more hard you get toxic nicotine in rocky time, the more into melancholia you will be. The withdrawal symptom speeds up.

Your bright minds are cracked as baking out your lungs and to become ruined. This vicious circle strengthens more and more.

FACT 3. Not to avoid a smoker with your manner, considering others.

As you couldn’t put up a stubborn resistance to your friends, colleagues without drinking in the boozing party, when you are talking with a friend for life,(if the friend is smoker) you will be on edge.

It is a fellow feeling rather than the withdrawal symptom of smoking. But excessive consideration is bad too in your life. In special party days as if joyful drinking, No smoking is the most difficult.

I too have no answer about this. But truly consideration to your friend for life is to give the clean mental energy of yours. It’s not friendship to fit in, and you think about your life by keeping yourself cool. There aren’t any situations made by others who are harmful or helpful for you. If you are strong enough, there are no problems.

I wish this essay is useful for hesitating persons to leave smoking.

No smoking is easy. At least, no pain. Good luck.

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